Kadang kala saya sememangnya mengarut dalam berbahasa. Akan tetapi, itulah diri saya. Saya tidak mahu jadi orng lain, tidak juga mahu jadi sempurna. Saya mahu jadi diri sendiri. Saya berbahasa atas perspektif yang saya ada dan semua ini secara luhurnya dari kotak hati dan fikiran saya. Bacalah dengan minda yang terbuka :)

August 10, 2010

Ramadan is Here ♥ :)

One night I heard a knock on my door,
Who can it be,I wasn't quite sure.

I open the door and am filled with glee,
The visitor ahead is no stranger to me.

I welcome the guest with utmost delight,
For I know it has come to give me respite.

An air of happiness fills the space,
My home now seems, a better place!

Have you any clue who this visitor could be?
Yes! Its Ramadhan, the month of mercy.

The pious and righteous can't await its arrival,
Others seem to greet it, with waves of denial.